
How to make girls loves you so much

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How to Get a Girl to Like You – 21 Tips you need to use now.

by Sam Whittaker | July 14th, 2021

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via: Depositphotos / samotrebizan
If you’re like most guys, you’ve probably wondered how to get a girl to like you.

It’s such a common thought because most men think that girls are too picky/hard to impress, and that it’s impossible to make those girls like them.

…And that exact moment, when those negative thoughts race in, is where most men will give up before they even speak to that girl.

That’s why I want to help, how to get a girl to like you. You absolutely can start to make her like you, even from the moment you meet… if you have a powerful set of insider tips to help you (and of course that’s what’s below).

Everyone wants to know how to get a girlfriend so getting her to like you is important. Now, I understand if it seems like I’m promising the impossible… but if you’re prepared to follow my one (pretty surprising) rule and its twenty three easy tips on how to make a girl like you… you really can get almost any woman to like you right off the bat.

How to Get a Girl to Like You – tips

Tips +1 Rule
How to Get a Girl to Like You – important

Most Important
How To Get A Girl To Like You
How to Get a Girl to Like You v2 – 23 Tips + 1 Rule.jpg
via: Pexels / Savannah Dematteo
As you read these 23 tips how to get a girl to like you, remember that being genuine is still the best thing way to get girls to like you (and of course, all of these tips are specially designed to attract women without being fake).

…And not only will she be attracted to the real you, but she’ll also feel incredibly relaxed as you talk to her (rehearsed, fake approaches can actually make girls just as nervous as they make you).

Watch this video on YouTube.
Nothing you do can force women to instantly love you… but if you follow my 23 simple tips how to get a girl to like you (which all fall under one extremely powerful rule), you can immediately become more attractive to women, meaning they’re 1000x more likely to like you.

Here is how to get a girl to like you:

1. Make Eye Contact First
via: Depositphotos / chika_milan
A lot of times, men feel they have to ‘warm up’ to approach a girl: they’ll practice their body language, and rehearse what they’ll say (both things I actually don’t recommend… see tip #s 2 and 4).

…And because they’re doing that, they forget one of the most natural steps in meeting a new person and how to get a girl to like you:

Eye contact.

They stand close to a girl, and deliver their line before they either forget it or lose their nerve… and they don’t realize that to her, it’s jarring (and feels forced) to hear a random greeting before she even sees the person saying it.

…So before you speak at all, position yourself near her for a few minutes (go next to her to order a drink, warm up close to her on the track, browse near her in the store). Then when you catch her eye, smile, and a few seconds later, say hey to her.

Initiating eye contact like that can make her like you (because she feels that you’re friendly) immensely more before you even have to speak.

2. Just Say ‘Hey’
How to Get a Girl to Like You v2 – Just Say Hey
via: Unsplash / JuniperPhoton
If you spend too much time rehearsing your approach, it’s easy to begin to think that you need to be nothing less than totally original.

And while being clever probably can’t hurt, it’s easy for women to spot an overly-practiced line and it’s an immediate red flag. So, how to get a girl to like you? Instead of trying to surprise her with something she’s never heard before, try to surprise her with something refreshing that she likely hasn’t heard in awhile, and just start with a simple ‘hey.’

3. Naturally Boost Your Confidence & Attractiveness With Your Posture
via: Depositphotos / Wavebreakmedia
I mentioned the importance of this in our article on approach anxiety… because it honestly is the best (most powerful and natural) thing you can do for your confidence and attractiveness. Here’s why:

Good posture instantly makes you feel taller and more powerful when you approach a woman. And the best part? This step, unlike other body language tricks, is so incredibly easy to do that it won’t take your focus off her and the moment (see tip #5 below).

I mentioned that you feel taller/more powerful with good posture… and that not only helps how you feel, but it helps you how she sees you. You immediately project a tall, powerful confidence (and do I really need to tell you that confidence is attractive?).

Here’s the bottom line:

To make any girl subconsciously like you more as soon as she sees you, stand/sit up straight when you talk to her.

4. Talk About Your Common Interests
man-playing-guitar-with-girl-stockpack-pexels.jpegvia: Pexels / Mẫnn Quang
Now… I know what you’re thinking:

How the hell do you know if you and this woman you just met have a common interest?

Well, if you followed step 2 of our approach anxiety guide, you’re attempting to talk to women in a place where you already have a common interest (coffee shops, parks, gyms, or bookstores). That way, your natural connection is obvious… you have a common interest in that place!

Now, how to get a girl to like you is to use that common interest to your advantage. After you say ‘hey’, talk about the interest you share. For example:

Waiting for the bartender at a local brewery: “This place has the best microbrew selection. Have you tried it?” or “I’m new to this place… what would you order?”

At a store: “I’m getting a gift for my sister/friend… which of these two things would you choose?” or “I’m picking out a suit for a wedding. Which tie do you think looks best with this shirt?”

At a park: “We need another player for Frisbee/darts/any game. Would you want to play?” (Works in a bar, too!) or “What’s the best running/biking trail around here?”

…Now, you might have noticed that most of those ideas were questions. Questions are a powerful way to break the ice because they immediately tell her that you value her ideas (and being valued is a hugely desired trait for women).

But here’s the most important thing to remember with any of these ideas:

They have to be genuine… meaning don’t ask a girl who’s drinking wine what beer she would order, or a girl in sweaty gym clothes for fashion advice, or a girl who’s running with headphones in if she wants to play Frisbee.

5. Start To Consider Your Body Language
via: Depositphotos / apid
I mentioned above, to only concentrate on body language after you’ve gotten to know a girl (had more than one meeting)… because if you concentrate on reading her instead of listening, she’ll get a bad first impression of you: a guy who doesn’t focus on what she’s saying.

…But after you’ve made a good first impression, you can ‘read’ her subconscious, genuine feelings through her body language… and send those same body language signals to her.

Make sense?

Now… here’s her body language signs to look for (all of these indicate that she likes you):

Mimicking. If she’s interested, she’ll copy your body language subconsciously (she’ll move when you move).
Higher/faster tone of voice. Women tend to talk faster to a man they like, and their voice pitch increases as a result.
Direction of her feet. She’ll subconsciously stand/sit with her toes pointed toward whoever she’s paying the most attention to.
Open body. She’ll close her body (with her crossed arms, purse, or other obstacles) when she’s talking to someone she doesn’t like.
Looking at you before speaking to someone else. She’s subtly glancing to see if you’re paying attention to what she’s about to say.
…And after you’ve seen some signs she likes you, send the same signals back: mimic her stance, look at her before talking to someone else, point your feet toward her, and open your body to her… and she’ll subconsciously start to think that you like her, too.

Pro tip: Remember to still spend just a moment looking for these signals. Keep your primary focus on her words.

6. Impress Her
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via: Pexels / Artem Beliaikin
Still wondering on how to get a girl to like you? If you do it right, impressing a girl can be a great way to win her over. Of course, knowing how to impress a girl is the key here.

The days of being the fastest on the school playground’s monkey bars are over. These days, if you want to learn how to get girls to like you, you have to take a more nuanced approach.

Here are some simple steps you can take to be a more impressive man and how to get a girl to like you (without being viewed as conceited):

1. Dress to impress. They say that clothes make the man. If your wardrobe could use an update, now is as good a time as any. Invest in some stylish clothing that still fits your personality. After all, you don’t want to look like you’re in costume.

2. Improve your hygiene. Girls like a put-together guy. You may be surprised by how much a difference a shower and a shave can make.

3. Help her out. Look for opportunities to show her your value. Is she looking for someone to help her move? Lend her a hand.

4. Be kind to others. Beyond being helpful to her, you want to show her that you’re a good person all-around. Do nice things for other people so she recognizes your sweetness.

5. Take initiative. Be bold without being pushy. Stop beating around the bush and let her know how you feel. Even if she’s not ready or interested, she’s going to be impressed by your determination and confidence.

6. Pursue personal goals. Girls like a guy with drive. Follow your dreams and passions. If you’re a musician, record music and play live. If you’re an artist, create something beautiful. Do what makes you happy, and do it well.

7. Be there for her. Sometimes girls just need a friend to lean on. Be available to lend an ear and offer advice. Show her that you’re the type of person that she can always depend on.

7. Make Her Laugh
How to Get a Girl to Like You v2 – make her laugh
via: Pexels / Daria Shevtsova
Humor brings people together. If you know how to make a girl laugh, you have a huge advantage how to get a girl to like you, over other guys.

When it comes to knowing how to make your crush like you, there’s an art to humor. You don’t want to be viewed as a clown. Skip the standup routine, and just have some fun with her. Girls can tell when you’re trying too hard.

Having some funny questions to ask in mind is a great way to prepare yourself to talk to her and (hopefully) make her laugh.

When you have funny questions to ask a girl ready to go, you’re able to control the situation, rather than relying on your improv skills. While off-the-cuff humor is definitely helpful, there’s nothing wrong with preparing some questions in advance.

Try these funny questions, but don’t be afraid to come up with some of your own too:

1. If you had chosen your own name as a toddler, what would your name be?

This wholesome question can yield some hilarious results.

2. What’s your spirit animal?

It’s fun to imagine what type of animal best represents you, and it’s a subtle way of getting to know her as a person at the same time.

3. What’s the worst pickup line a guy has ever used on you?

This question can lead to some hilarious cringe-worthy answers, plus it shows her that you know that she’s attractive.

8. Know What She Likes
How to Get a Girl to Like You v2 – Know What She Likes
via: Pexels /
While opposites attract in some cases, sharing mutual interests can really help you get your foot in the door.

Of course, you don’t want to be the guy who’s suddenly obsessed with ballet because she is. At the same time, you can show genuine interest in her life by learning about her interests.

If you’re wondering what do girls like, there’s no easy answer. After all, every girl is unique. However, there are some topics that most girls appreciate, and if you learn about them, you may be able to connect with her more closely.

1. Music

Ask her about her favorite musicians. Go brush up on those albums, and then bond over them. Bonus points if you can take her to see her favorite artists live.

2. Movies/TV Shows

Watch what she’s watching, and you’ll automatically have something to talk about. Plus, you can take her out to the movies and know her tastes.

3. Her Job

Express interest in what she does as a profession. It shows that you respect her and that you’re interested in her life beyond her physical beauty.

9. Give Her A Genuine Compliment
How to Get a Girl to Like You v2 – Give Her A Genuine Compliment
via: Unsplash / Ayo Ogunseinde
One well-placed compliment can work wonders in winning her over. Just make sure you don’t go overboard, as drooling over her can have the opposite effect.

Knowing how to compliment a girl in a way that makes her smile is a powerful tool. The right compliments for girls are subtle and sweet. In other words, “you’re hot” isn’t the best approach.

Try these compliments, but make sure you also come up with some of your own that are specific to her:

1. Your hair/makeup/outfit looks amazing today.

Sure, you can always compliment her looks, but girls like it when you recognize the effort they put into looking nice. Choose a specific feature, and let her know that you noticed.

2. The world is a better place with you in it.

This is a super-sweet compliment that makes her feel like a million bucks.

3. I love your laugh.

This one is pure positive vibes. Next time you’re cracking up together, just let her know that her laugh makes you happy.

10. Treat Her Differently Than You Treat Your Friends
via: Pexels / Anna Shvets
Instead of hiding how you genuinely feel, just show her! It may seem scary, but if you want to know how to make a girl like you… this is one of the most powerful ways and could hugely pay off… she could become your girlfriend much sooner if you start treating her like one.

11. Don’t Be Afraid To Make Fun Of Yourself
how-to-make-a-girl-like-you-dont-be-afraid-to-make-fun-of-yourselfvia: Depositphotos / santypan
Here’s a really obvious question, guys:

Do you want an insecure, self-centered girlfriend who constantly needs validation?

Of course not. And she doesn’t want a boyfriend like that either… which is why she’s immediately turned off when guys are too afraid/insecure to laugh at themselves.

…Because if you’re that concerned with how others see you, it shows that you’re self-centered and too insecure to be genuine.

…And in case you don’t already know, confidence and genuineness (even being goofy) are insanely attractive to women.

So show her that you’re confident enough to laugh at yourself and that you care way more about getting a genuine laugh out of her, than how you look to others.

That focus on her is insanely attractive, and will almost always make her like you even more.

12. Bring Up Things She’s Mentioned Before
how-to-make-a-girl-like-you-bring-up-things-shes-mentioned-beforevia: Depositphotos / ibrak
Here’s the thing:

Casual guy/girl friends usually don’t remember and ‘check in’ about big events. Boyfriends do.

…So if she mentioned she has a test, out-of-town visit, new job, or anything big, ask her (even text her) about it later.

Asking about big moments like that instantly makes you seem like a caring boyfriend, a good listener, and a guy who treats her like she’s special… in other words, like you’re exactly the type of man she wants to be with.

So show her you genuinely care about her life by remembering (and asking) about her big moments.

13. Mention Something Noteworthy
mention something noteworthy
via: Pexels / Cassiano Psomas
Imagine a scenario where something big happens when the two of you are together, maybe it’s a particularly drunk guy who’s getting a little too rowdy. Maybe there’s a power outage or something even more random, like a marriage proposal. Whatever it is, you now have the perfect thing to talk about – a unique shared experience.

These experiences can be rare, which is what makes them valuable. So if you notice something noteworthy, take the opportunity and start talking about it.

14. Let The Conversation Flow… Or Move On
let-the-conversation-flow-or-move-onvia: Depositphotos / .shock
I usually communicate this tip to guys who want to make girls like them with the rhyme ‘let it flow or let it go’ (I know it’s cheesy, but it’s easy to remember).

Here’s what both parts mean:

Your goal is to learn as much about her as you can, and find out if she’s worth your time… and that means you need to focus on her and the conversation (and not the outcomes (like getting her number asap), or the way you appear to her (makes you seem un-genuine and self-absorbed)).

By focusing on the conversation like that, you’ll create a conversational flow that makes talking actually fun (and you’re way more likely to get a number/date from a girl who has fun with you).

With the above tip:

If she’s not allowing the conversation to flow (she looks down at her phone, gives one-word responses, or tells you she has a boyfriend), you have to let her go and find another, friendlier girl to talk to. Tell this girl a genuinely polite ‘nice talking to you’, and say you have to get going. Then simply walk away.

…And you’ll find that letting her go like that isn’t only simple… it’s also empowering:

If you’re the one who walks away from a girl, then you’re rejecting her, instead of feeling like it’s the other way around. If you make this your common practice, rude girls will never reject you again, and you’ll spend more time with great girls that you can get to like you!

Doesn’t that sound way more fun?

15. Show Interest In Her Friends Too
SHOW INTEREST in her friends too
via: Unsplash / Vince Fleming
So now how would you get a girl to like you, if her crew disapproves of you? You’re going to have a seriously tough time capturing her heart.

Now, there’s a fine line between being friendly with her friends and seeming like you’re trying to infiltrate the whole group. You don’t want to come off like you’re just trying to get with anyone who will give you the time of day.

When you’re hanging out with her, don’t ignore her friends. That’s the big rule. Engage in conversation with them or use our list of questions to ask friends. Laugh at their jokes. Include them. The last thing you want is to make her friends feel like a bunch of third wheels!

Next time you want to hang out with your crush, invite her friends to come along. Not only does it show your crush that you enjoy her friends’ company, but it also helps to make things easier and more comfortable for her. After all, hanging out with a guy one-on-one can be intimidating.

If the group is into it, you could also bring some of your guy friends along for a big group “date.” Who knows – you may even end up creating a love connection. If nothing else, hanging out with big groups helps people to form new friendships, and isn’t that what life’s all about?

16. Give Her Space
give her space
via: Unsplash / NASA
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. If you’re trying to infiltrate her schedule on the daily, she’s going to start viewing you as a stage 10 clinger.

If you love something let it go…While you may want to spend your every waking moment with her, giving her room to breathe is crucial. Healthy relationships involve both people having their own lives aside from their lives as couples. Finding that balance is the key to making it work.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should ignore her for a week. Just don’t be the guy that incessantly texts her or gets angry when she’s not available to hang out. Be respectful of her space, and read her social cues to determine where you stand. If she’s not responding, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you. She may just need some time to herself.

17. Give Her Time
give her time
via: Pexels / Moose Photos
You may be 100% ready to fall head-over-heels in love with her, but that doesn’t mean she feels the same way right now. Sometimes romance takes days, weeks, months, or even years to blossom.

If you truly believe that she’s the one for you, try to cultivate a lasting relationship that blossoms into romance naturally over time. Plant seeds now that can grow into beautiful love trees down the line.

It may be frustrating waiting for your crush, but getting angry because she’s not ready is the fastest way to drive her right out of your life. Good things in life are worth waiting for.

The sad truth is that sometimes romance just doesn’t happen at all, no matter how badly you want it. It takes two to tango, and if she’s not into it, it’s not going to work.

If she tells you that she’s not ready, respect that. Maybe she’ll come around, and maybe she won’t. Improve your chances of a future romance by understanding that and being a friend to her in the meantime. The “friend zone” is better than the “0-zone.”

18. Do Something Special Just For Her
do something special for her
via: Pexels / Pixabay
If you have feelings for her, show them by going out of your way to make her day special. An example of how to get a girl to like you, say you know she has a long shift at work. You could bring her lunch.

Or, if you’re a creative type you could create something special that’s just for her. A painting, song, or even a silly meme can really warm her heart.

Whatever you do, the whole point is to show her that she was on your mind. You want her to realize that you put effort into making her happy.

It’s worth noting that this approach can backfire if you try too hard. For instance, if you just met her and then you pull a John Cusack Stereo serenade, she may be a little weirded out. Keep it sweet and simple. Sometimes, all it takes is a well-timed text to let her know that she crossed your mind.

19. Be Independent
be independent
via: Pexels / Hassan OUAJBIR
Before pursuing her, make sure you have your own ducks in a row. Girls really like guys who have their own lives together.

If you’re an independent person with your own job, home, hobbies, passions, friends, and life in general, you’re going to have a much easier time getting the girl. After all, a huge part of knowing how to get a girl to like you is simply being the best man you can be.

Once you take steps to improve all aspects of your life, girls are going to flock to you naturally.

Examine your life. Are there things you could improve? Work on them. Even just taking small steps to better your situation shows her that you have upward momentum, and that’s huge.

Girls don’t expect you to be the perfect man, but they do want you to try to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be, and that’s a win-win for both of you. View your crush on her as an opportunity to grow as a person. You may be surprised by how easy things get once you take that first step.

20. Be Available
be available
via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Another tip to how to get a girl to like you is to let her know that you’re there for her. Whether she needs a shoulder to cry on or a date to a wedding, try to make yourself her first choice.

Now, if you really want a girlfriend, staying single may be tough, especially if there’s no guarantee that she’s going to come around and fall for you in the future. It’s up to you to decide if she’s worth pursuing, or romance just isn’t in the cards.

Start as friends, and then try to make the romance happen organically. If you make it a point to be the person she calls first when she has a problem or when she wants to celebrate, you’re going to have a much better chance if she decides she’s ready for a relationship.

21. Ask Her Out
via: Depositphotos / Odua
This tip how to get a girl to like you is pretty simple:

Ask her out… because if you never get around to this exact step, all these tips have been for nothing. Right?

…And guys, make sure you don’t wait too long before getting to this tip… because there’s a serious risk that if you wait too long, she’ll lose interest in your as a ‘boyfriend’, and think of you as just a friend.

…So if you just met this girl, ask her out within a couple days at the longest… but if you’ve known her for a while, when to ask her out gets a little more complicated. Here are some tips to help:

If you know her casually (you’re not close friends), ask her out as soon as possible. Use a few of our tips to make her like you, then ask her out the same day. Don’t waste any more time not showing her you’d be a great boyfriend!

If you know her well, distance yourself for a while before you ask her out (make her miss you). This is also true if she just got out of a relationship… you want her to see you as a new boyfriend, not a friend to talk about feelings with (right?) Distance yourself, then the next time you see her, try out some of our tips, then ask her out.

The Most Important Rule To Follow To Get Girls To Like You
via: Bigstockphotos / AYAimages
If you read our post on overcoming approach anxiety, you already know that the best (and really, the only important) approach technique how to get a girl to like you, is to focus on connecting with her, instead of using ‘tricks’ to pick her up.

…And that same type of rule now applies to making her like you:

You have to focus on something other than ‘tricks’ to get her to like you… focus on showing her your ‘real’ self (be genuine). Here’s why that’s so powerful:

Imagine you approach a woman and attempt to get her to like you with a set of rehearsed lines/’moves’. The only two results that will come from that are:

She’ll see right through your rehearsed ‘front’, and be immediately turned-off, because she’ll associate you with lying (and pro tip… women see through this fake front very often)
She’ll buy into your fake persona, and then be incredibly disappointed when she discovers what you’re really like
…And neither of those options sound really appealing, right?

On the other hand:

You can approach a woman as your real, genuine self, and show her what an approachable, friendly, natural man you are. And if that natural connection exists between you after that, you’re in for an incredibly passionate time with a woman who really wants to see you again.

Doesn’t that sound way better than being uptight and ‘performing’ for her all night?

Now stop reading about this, and go make girls powerfully like you!

More Tips On How To Get A Girl To Like You
With all of these tips on how to get a girl to like you under your belt, you should have no problem winning her heart. That said, it never hurts to expand your horizons further.

Try these other tips on how to get your crush to like you:

Learning how to tell if a girl likes you is the key to knowing when to make the next move.
Knowing how to talk to girls is absolutely essential if you want her to fall for you.
Once you know how to flirt with a girl you can woo her more effectively.
If you don’t know how to approach a girl, how are you ever going to get to the next step?
Once she likes you, you need to know how to ask a girl out.
In Conclusion
As you can see, there are countless methods to learning how to get a girl to like you. At the end of the day, if you really want to know how to make a girl like you, it all comes down to being genuine and sweet, and most importantly, just being yourself.

Everyone wants to know how to get a girl to like you and how to get a girlfriend, and the simple truth is that what works for one person may not work for the next. Girls have a huge range of tastes, and there’s no guarantee that your crush is going to like you back. But that doesn’t mean you should lose hope!

The good news is that there are billions of fish in the sea! If she doesn’t respond to your advances, move along to the next one. No matter who you are, there’s someone out there who will view you as the perfect guy.

If you want to know how to make a girl want you, it comes down to this: Work on yourself. Be the guy she deserves. Once you become the best man you can be, you’ll find that your work gets much easier. In fact, she may just find you first.

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